Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm Published!!!

So other staff at my school have found that I like to be really creative and love to make different signs, posters, and bulletin boards. Here are some bulletin boards I have made around A.W. Jones Elementary.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

2009-2010 Teacher Award

Each grade level comes up with awards for each teacher. I was awarded the "Energizer Bunny." I was told the award speaks for itself! I am always going, trying to make new things for my students, creating interesting lessons, and doing whatever it takes for my students to be successful.

2009-2010 End of Year Awards

At the end of the 2009-2010 school year, I got awards for having so many students pass their state TAKS test at commended performance (43%). I also had 100% passing on their final district test.

Tangram Homes

A project I got to do with both first and third grade students was making tangram homes. The project was adapted to meet the needs of each grade level. The main idea of the project is to create a home out of tangrams. Each tangram piece was worth a certain value. The students had limits of how much they were able to spend on different aspects of their house. Such as their house, decorations, sun, trees, etc.

The students had to show their math skills by creating their house with the limits given. For first grade, we used smaller numbers, and had less requirements for their houses. For third grade, we incorporated multiplication and larger numbers, and stricter value limits.

To incorporate language arts, we then had the students write about their homes, and what they want for their future.

For social studies in first grade, we then made a class map and a compass rose.

I really love incorporating tangrams into classroom learning because there are so many different ways to utilize them.

Space and the Planets Book

My fourth graders got to make science books about the solar system. The students had requirements about the topics they needed to have on each card. They got to research through the internet and books from the library. They had a student rubric that allowed them to track their own progress. I would then give them feedback about their projects. What I loved about the project was that the students were able to be self-directed, while still getting feedback from me.

Changing Temperature Word Problems

The third graders also made books about changing temperatures. They made books of word problems, and then got to solve each others' word problems. They liked coming up with different ideas of why the temperature would change.

Elapsed Time Books

These are some work samples from my third grade students last year. The students got to make a book of work problems they created regarding elapsed time  The students enjoyed making the books, and got to share their work with each other. They then tried to solve each others problems.